ASMB Merit and Meeting Award Categories

Note ASMB awards are affiliated with the biennial meeting. Applications/nominations are only accepted for the meeting year.

Applications and Nominations are now open for the 2025 Biennial Meeting.

Award application packages should be submitted on-line.  All required documents must be combined into one PDF and submitted with the on-line form.  Please review the requirements carefully before submitting. Contact the ASMB business office with any questions.

The ASMB Founders Award

The ASMB Founders Award, named to honor the individuals whose efforts led to the establishment of the Society, this award recognizes the highest level of scientific excellence in extracellular matrix and cell-matrix interactions in young scientists in transition toward their first independent career positions, and who have demonstrated a visible commitment to a career in matrix research and the activities of the ASMB. The Award ceremony will include a brief presentation at the Conference. The awardee's presence at the conference will include support for travel, registration, and two nights' lodging. Appropriate applicants should be ASMB members who are scientists in training, who have not yet received a fully-independent faculty appointment, and who are within 7 years of award of their doctoral degree. Women and minority scientists are strongly encouraged to apply. Applicants will be asked to submit an application package as one single PDF document that contains (1) a complete NIH biosketch, (2) a one–page statement describing their most significant contributions to date, involvement with the ASMB, future research directions relevant to the field of matrix biology, and (3) copies of up to three peer-reviewed research publications (not reviews) illustrating a commitment to matrix-related research. Separately, applicants should solicit three letters of recommendation from mentors/senior collaborators (not fellow trainees) in the field of Matrix Biology.

The Renato Iozzo Award

The Renato Iozzo Award for Outstanding Research in Matrix Biology will be given to a mid-career investigator, 5-15 years from their first faculty or equivalent appointment, in a fashion that distinguishes the qualifications of the awardee from the recipients of the current Junior and Senior Investigator Awards. The ASMB Nominating Committee, chaired by the Past President, will make the final selection among candidates, subject to the approval of the ASMB council.  Award nominations must originate from ASMB members and must be submitted in the form of one single PDF. Nomination PDF must contain a complete CV or NIH biosketch, and at least three letters of support, including one from an ASMB sponsor. The additional letters should come from leaders in the discipline who may or may not be ASMB members. The sponsor's letter should provide an in-depth description of the candidate's accomplishments and their impact on the discipline of matrix biology as well as a listing of key papers and accomplishments. Additional letters, solicited by the sponsor or the selection committee should emphasize the scientific impact of the candidate's current work and the prospect of continuing contributions to the field. The awardee will be required to be an active member of the ASMB at time of the award, and he/she will be required to deliver a concurrent or plenary talk during the biennial meeting of the Society. The awardee will speak at the biennial meeting and will be presented with a plaque, an honorarium and conference registration.

Senior Investigator Award

The Senior Investigator award is presented to an established researcher for outstanding, continued contributions to the field. To be considered for this prestigious award, the nominee must be a current ASMB member, be active in matrix-related research, and be well recognized for making important scientific contributions to matrix biology. The awardee is invited to speak at one of the Plenary Sessions during the biennial meeting and is presented with a plaque, an honorarium, and complimentary conference registration. Nominations are called for from the membership prior to the biennial meeting and chosen by election of the ASMB council and officers. Please include an NIH biosketch or CV for the nominee, along with at least one letter of recommendation.

Junior Investigator Award

This award is presented to a newly established, independent investigator who has already made a high-impact finding (or findings) and who shows much promise for continued accomplishments. To be considered for this prestigious award, the nominee must be a current ASMB member and hold an entry-level faculty appointment (e.g., Instructor, Assistant Professor, or equivalent) at an accredited institution or be an entry-level scientist in industry. The nominee must be within 6 years of their first faculty or equivalent appointment. Nominees for the Junior Investigator Awardee are put forth by a sponsor and must include the CV or NIH biosketch of the nominee, a letter of support by the sponsor, and at least one other letter of support. The nominating packages, sent in the form of one single PDF document, are evaluated and chosen by election of the ASMB council and officers. The awardee is invited to speak at one of the concurrent or plenary sessions during the biennial meeting and is presented with a plaque, an honorarium, and complimentary conference registration. To nominate someone for this award, email application materials to ASMB.  

Award application packages should be submitted on-line.  All required documents must be combined into one PDF and submitted with the on-line form.  Please review the requirements carefully before submitting. Contact the ASMB business office with any questions.

Submit an award nomination


Meeting Awards

Iozzo Trainee Award

The Iozzo Trainee Awards will be presented in conjunction with each ASMB Biennial Meeting. One award will be given to a graduate student and one award given to postdoctoral fellows who have demonstrated outstanding contributions to the field of matrix biology and a continuing commitment to matrix biology research. The awards will include an honorarium. Candidates must be ASMB members enrolled in a Ph.D. program or with no more than 5 years of postdoctoral training at the time of nomination submission. Selection criteria will include matrix-related publications, total publications, having secured independent fellowships, and a demonstrated interest in matrix biology. Requirements include: a letter of nomination from a mentor or close collaborator who is an ASMB member,  a statement from the applicant summarizing his/her contributions to the field of matrix biology and addressing the candidate’s career plan as it relates to matrix biology, a Curriculum vitae, and an abstract submitted to the ASMB biennial meeting.

Up to six nominees will be selected to present their research at a special session at the ASMB biennial meeting.  The winners will be chosen based on the scientific quality of their overall body of work, commitment to a career in matrix biology and the submitted abstract. These awards will be supported by the Iozzo Award Fund.  To apply, FIRST submit an abstract to the biennial meeting.  Then send all nomination materials in the form of one single PDF document to [email protected].   Abstract submission for the 2023 biennial meeting will open in early 2022.

Travel Awards

Travel Award applications will be accepted at the time of abstract submission. Abstract submission will open in early 2023. 2023 Travel Awards are offered in several categories. ASMB offers travel awards for selected talks, minority applicants, and on-site poster presentations.     You may apply for multiple awards but are only eligible to win an award in one category. Apply for awards when you submit an abstract, once you submit your abstract, send required documents to [email protected].

Travel Awards: Selected Talks

Five (5) Travel Awards will be given to outstanding abstracts selected for oral presentation in one of the thematic concurrent sessions at the ASMB biennial meeting. To be considered for one of these awards, the candidates must be a trainee (i.e., a student or postdoctoral fellow) and an active ASMB member. In addition, the candidates need to indicate their interest in applying for the award and their preference that their abstract be considered for an oral presentation by checking the appropriate boxes on the abstract submission form. Candidates must submit a CV and letter of recommendation (advisor or other senior investigator) during the abstract submission process. The abstracts are reviewed by the program and awards committee before the meeting and those chosen will then be informed. Each awardee is presented with a certificate and an honorarium and will be recognized at the meeting. 

Travel Awards: Poster Presentations

Five (5) Travel Awards are selected onsite at each biennial meeting by a panel of judges who review the presented posters. The award is open to students and postdoctoral fellows who indicate at the time of their abstract submission that they wish to apply for the award. Candidates must submit a CV and letter of recommendation (advisor or other senior investigator) during the abstract submission process. These awards are limited to active ASMB members. The award is presented onsite at the biennial meeting and is accompanied by a certificate and an honorarium.